The full blast booking team is proud to announce the debut of the full blast movement apex awards which will be held at our tour for life 2024 finale at the monarch in brooklyn, ny – august 18th with the one and only redman headlining! Over the years, we have worked with such amazing, talented and dedicated artists that put their all into their craft. we wanted to do something special to acknowledge their hard work, talent & impact on both the hip hop and full blast movement communities. 

what is an apex award?

The back story – we all know how passionate the full blast booking team can be when it comes to our mission and community advocacy for both mental health awareness and undergound music. Welp – our very own tour assistant, jojo – takes that passion to the next level when it comes to our full blast movement community! one night, while sipping with some ai friends and planning the festivities for tour for life 2024 – jojo was feelin’ a little extra extra and held an entire award ceremony in her head to the people that have continued to inspire her by their daily journey for greatness – to make a difference in this ever-growing ugly world! yes – you were all dressed for success and slaying the room!

In that moment, the apex awards were born and had to happen! The apex awards were designed to acknowledge and honor the underground artists that continue to make a difference in the world – one move at time – with their creative flow, lyrical talent and intense delivery – that makes people stop and reflect while enjoying a lesson they may not yet even know they are learning. A lesson taught by the example of pursuing your dreams!

the first annual full blast movement apex award categories & finalists for 2024 ....

2024 nomination guidelines

nominating your favorite artist is easy – just tag your top three choices for each category on promo post on instagram – email your picks or dm your list to jojo‘s instagram! Nominations are accepted until midnight on July 9th!

Anyone can nominate their favorite artist or themselves in their daily top 3 nominations that in each category will be tallied and announced July 10th! Artists must meet eligibility criteria and be following Full Blast Booking on Instagram to obtained Finalist Nominations! **Nominations that do not include the full artist(s)/track credit or do not meet the Full Blast Movement participation activity will not qualify for Final Nominee Voting.**

eligibility requirements:

  • Nominees must be active within the full blast movement community, participating in 2+ events within the last 18 mo
  • Artists must be following Full Blast Booking on Instagram
  • Artists’ presence, output & actions within the last 18 month cycle must also meet the description of the category in which they are nominated outside of the full blast movement community!  

2024 apex awards voting

voting for the 2024 full blast movement apex award nominees will be tallied via Google to ensure accuracy & fairness. voting for the top 3 nominees in each of the (10) award categories will be open from july 11th – august 5th and open to the public. anyone can vote for the 2024 apex award winners – only one vote per person for each category will be accepted per award category. *this rule has been amended from initial promoted – we want to honor our artists for their talent and dedication – not the size of the intern fan base! This makes dropping your top 3 nominations  – in each category – each day vital during the nomination period to get your voices heard!

the first ever full blast movement awards prize packages ....

we are not coming to play when it comes to honoring these artists. 

we’re customizing apex award prize packages to the needs/wants demanded by the award category … to the next level! jojo has been busy networking with some pretty dope people that also believe in the impact of the full blast movement mission and the talent that are powerhousing through the underground hip hop community! together – hennything is truly possibly!!!

From exclusive beats & studio perks to upgrade opportunities from the strategy stages to the dividends stage! the full blast booking team is grateful for the love & support our sponsors have shown to support these amazing artists as they make their make on the world!

Sponsors & Donations

Sponsors & donations for the first annual full blast movement apex awards will be accepted until august 1st – Only merchandise & service voucher donations will be accepted for award packages until award packages are finalized on august 9th. (yes, we’re stuffing those gift baskets to bless these artist til the last minute!

raising mental health awareness through music

full blast booking has been blessed to work with over 500+ artist, creatives, vendors, local community organizations plus countless mental health advocates over the years… all who share the same passions, who share the unity of loss, or feeling lost – heavily relying on the power of music and art to keep us going. It is our honor to present these awards to the recipients that keep pushing through and smashing their goals – while making a genuine impact in the world around them.

the community has spoken & took action!

JoJo is gonna make you sweat for the final list of the prize packages she is cookin’ up for the apex award recipients. She threw the line out to the fam (and beyond) to make the event memorable for the first ever apex awards …. and the outpour of support was nothing short of beautiful dopeness!

….and the bundles are still growing!!!!

stay tuned for more updates >>> top 3 nominees announced july 10th

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    don't miss a special award we've got planned to present at the tour for life 2024 finale at the monarch!