mic hoffa

Mic Hoffa is an Italian American Hip Hop artist, born and raised in the Gravesend section of Brooklyn, NY in the Coney Island Creek neighborhood. Recording for almost two decades and accumulating quite the catalog of tracks and unreleased albums – Mic Hoffa has mastered his unique style and ability to showcase his pain and passion through lyrical story tales.

At the young age of eight, Mic Hoffa’s love for rap music and basketball grew to become his solitude as he coped with the suicide death of his father. What started out as writing down the lyrics of his favorite rap songs evolved by his teenage years to writing his own lyrics to release his thoughts.

more on mic hoffa

Now residing in Lake Worth, FL Mic Hoffa dedicated his time to his solo career and collaborating with his Goat Squad brothers and other artists.

As an active advocate in the fight against social injustices, Mic Hoffa is continuously involved in community programs that feed the less fortunate and those struggling with addiction.

  • shop music

    Exclusive downloads available on the official mic hoffa website.

  • Schedule

    Catch Mic Hoffa at Tour For Life 23 - check out the show schedule now

  • Watch videos

    Subscribe to Mic Hoffa on YouTube - watch "Seeing Red" video and more.